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C++ Support

C++ Support

You can now use CodSpeed to benchmark C++ codebases thanks to our new integration with google/benchmark`.

Quick Start

CodSpeed's C++ support works out of the box with CMake:

# Fetch the CodSpeed compatibility layer
    GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/CodSpeedHQ/codspeed-cpp
    SOURCE_SUBDIR google_benchmark
    GIT_TAG main # Or chose a specific version or git ref

# Declare your benchmark executable and its sources here
add_executable(bench_fibo benches/fibo.cpp)

# Link your executable against the `benchmark::benchmark`
target_link_libraries(bench_fibo benchmark::benchmark)

You can then write your benchmarks in C++ using the google/benchmark API. Here's an example:

#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>

static void BM_Fib(benchmark::State& state) {
  auto fib = [](int n) {
    return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

  for (auto _ : state)


This can then run both locally and in CI environments using the CodSpeed Runner. Check out the documentation on integrating the runner in CI environments.

Real World Examples

Here are a few example repositories of real-world C++ projects:

  • boost-benches: a collection of benchmarks for the Boost C++ Libraries
  • opencv-benches: a collection of benchmarks for the OpenCV library

Check out our C++ documentation for more details.

Free Plan and Macro Runners Now Globally Available

Free Plan and Macro Runners Now Globally Available

We understand that performance matters for teams of all sizes—from indie developers and startups to large enterprises. Yet, traditional performance monitoring tools can be prohibitively expensive, creating a barrier for smaller teams and open-source projects. Today, we're breaking down those barriers with two new features that bring enterprise-grade performance insights within reach of every developer.

Free Plan for Private Repositories

Now, small teams can leverage powerful performance insights without breaking the bank. Our new Free plan allows:

  • Up to 5 users
  • Unlimited private repositories
  • 3-month performance history
  • CI integration
  • Pull-Request performance reports and checks
  • 120 free macro runner minutes per month

Macro Runners Now Globally Available

We're rolling out our high-performance benchmark runners worldwide. Every user and organization now gets:

  • 120 free macro runner minutes per month
  • Macro Runner instances with:
    • Bare-metal 16-core ARM64 CPUs
    • 32 GB RAM
    • Isolated machines to minimize environmental noise
    • Optimized for consistency and performance measurement

These macro runners can be used along with our Walltime instruments to measure the absolute performance of your code. After the initial free minutes, you can continue using macro runners with flexible, usage-based pricing that grows with your needs.

These improvements ensure that even teams with limited resources can make data-driven optimization decisions.

Get started with your free account today or learn more about our pricing.

Faster Workflows with Sharded Benchmarks

Faster Workflows with Sharded Benchmarks

Running benchmarks can be slow and significantly impact your CI time. You can now split your benchmark suite across multiple jobs in the same CI workflow, reducing execution time by running them in parallel.

When running heavy benchmark suites, this can divide the total runtime by the number of jobs, dramatically speeding up your CI pipeline. CodSpeed then aggregates the results into a single report, ensuring accurate performance tracking.

For example, using pytest:

# .github/workflows/codspeed.yml

        shard: [1, 2, 3, 4] 

    name: "Run benchmarks (Shard #${{ matrix.shard }})"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.12.8
      - run: pip install -r requirements.txt
      - name: Run benchmarks
        uses: CodSpeedHQ/action@v3
            pytest tests/ --test-group=${{ matrix.shard }} --test-group-count=4
          token: ${{ secrets.CODSPEED_TOKEN }}

Learn more about benchmark sharding and how to integrate it in your CI.

Multi-language Support

With benchmarks written in several languages, it can be difficult to get a unified performance overview of your project.

You can now run benchmarks written in multiple languages. When run in the same CI workflow, CodSpeed will aggregate the results of these benchmarks into a single report.

For example, using pytest and vitest:

# .github/workflows/codspeed.yml

    name: "Run Python benchmarks"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Install required-version defined in uv.toml
        uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v5
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.12.8
      - name: Run benchmarks
        uses: CodSpeedHQ/action@v3
          run: uv run pytest tests/benchmarks/ --codspeed
          token: ${{ secrets.CODSPEED_TOKEN }}

    name: "Run NodeJS benchmarks"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: "actions/setup-node@v3"
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Run benchmarks
        uses: CodSpeedHQ/action@v3
          run: npm exec vitest bench
          token: ${{ secrets.CODSPEED_TOKEN }}

Learn more about multi-language support.

Divan Support for Rust

Divan Support for Rust

We're excited to announce a new Rust integration with Divan 🛋️, a fast and simple benchmarking framework! 🚀

Divan offers a straightforward API that simplifies the benchmarking process, allowing you to register benchmarks with ease. Unlike Criterion.rs, which can be more complex, or Bencher, which is less feature-rich, Divan provides a balanced approach with its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities.

Here's an example of how you can use Divan to benchmark a function:

/// benches/fibonacci.rs

fn main() {
    // Run registered benchmarks.

// Register a `fibonacci` function and benchmark it over multiple cases.
#[divan::bench(args = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32])]
fn fibonacci(n: u64) -> u64 {
    if n <= 1 {
    } else {
        fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1)

The divan::bench macro brings a very idiomatic and easy-to-use way to define and customize benchmarks. Bringing this closer to standard test definition while we're waiting on custom test frameworks to be stabilized.

Try it now by checking out our integration guide in the documentation to get started with using Divan in your Rust projects.

Improvements of the Benchmark and Branch pages

We released several improvements to the benchmark dashboard and branch pages.

Benchmark history graph

The performance of the benchmark history graph has been greatly improved. This improvement will be largely noticeable in projects with large histories. The vertical axis is now updated when zooming in on the graph, making it easier to see localized changes.

See it in action handling more than 15k data points:

Analyzing the results of a benchmark from the oxc project

You can now copy a link to a specific benchmark from a Pull Request, a Run, or a custom comparison view. This link will take you directly to the benchmark within the report.

Here is an example:

Copying a benchmark URI from the swc project

Profiling data in the benchmark dashboard

On the benchmark dashboard, you can now see the benchmark flame graph, computed from the latest run on the default branch.

November 29, 2024
Launch Week #1

Advent of CodSpeed

Advent of CodSpeed

We're excited to announce the launch of CodSpeed's Advent Calendar, a performance-focused coding challenge based on the popular Advent of Code problems! 🎄

The challenge

  • Compete for Speed: Solve daily problems from Advent of Code and optimize for performance in Rust

  • Prizes: Stand a chance to win incredible prizes, including:

    • 🏆 MacBook Air
    • 🎮 Nintendo Switch
    • 🎧 Noise-canceling headphones
    • ⌨️ Mechanical keyboard
    • 🔊 JBL Flip 6
    • 💸 Steam gift cards
  • Leaderboard: Track your ranking as you climb to the top of this exciting global competition.

How to participate?

  • Write the fastest algorithms in Rust.
  • Submit your solutions via our GitHub repository
  • Earn points daily and aim for the top prizes!

Find more details on the Advent of CodSpeed page.

👾 Join our Discord to connect with other participants and stay updated.

Happy coding and may the fastest Rustacean win! 🦀✨

November 28, 2024
Launch Week #1

Compare Any Runs

Compare Any Runs

Until now, CodSpeed allowed you to compare runs only in specific scenarios—either through pull requests comparing branches with their base or comparing consecutive commits on a single branch.

With this new feature, you can now compare any runs: on arbitrary commits or branches, and also local runs made with the CLI.

Want to try it out? Just head to the "Runs" tab of a project (you can find a few of them here) and select the runs you want to compare!

Comparing astral-sh/ruff versions 0.7.4 and 0.8.1. Check it out here!

What's Next? 🚀

Soon, we'll be adding the ability to compare tags directly, making it even simpler to compare runs across different versions of your project. Stay tuned for more updates!

November 27, 2024
Launch Week #1Beta

Walltime Instrument and Macro Runners

Walltime Instrument and Macro Runners

We're thrilled to unveil Walltime, a groundbreaking addition to CodSpeed's suite of instruments! 🎉 This new tool measures the wall time of your benchmarks—the total time elapsed from start to finish, capturing not just execution but also waiting on resources like I/O, network, or other processes.

At first glance, this might seem like a shift from our core philosophy of making benchmarks as deterministic as possible. But here's the thing: real-world performance often depends on the messy, noisy details of resource contention and latency. Walltime offers a lens into these real-world scenarios, making it an invaluable tool for system-level insights—without losing sight of the precision you trust CodSpeed to deliver.

Even as we introduce this new instrument, we remain committed to bringing consistent and reproducible results. That's why Walltime is exclusively available on CodSpeed Macro Runners. These hosted bare-metal runners are purpose-built for macro benchmarks, running in isolation to minimize environmental noise. This means you get realistic performance data without unnecessary interference.

Getting Started

Running Walltime measurements is as simple as changing the execution runner to codspeed-macro in GitHub Actions. Here's an example of how to do it:

    name: Run benchmarks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    runs-on: codspeed-macro
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # ...
      - name: Run benchmarks
        uses: CodSpeedHQ/action@v3
          token: ${{ secrets.CODSPEED_TOKEN }}
          run: "<Insert your benchmark command here>"

Once set up, your Walltime results will shine in the CodSpeed dashboard:

Example of walltime results

An example measuring the time taken to resolve the google.com hostname.

For a deeper dive into the Walltime instrument and Macro Runners, check out our documentation.

Join the Beta

This feature is still in closed beta, but if you're interested in trying it out, please reach out to us on Discord or by email at support@codspeed.io.

November 26, 2024
Launch Week #1

GitLab Integration

GitLab Integration

After a lot of work, we are happy to announce that CodSpeed now supports GitLab Cloud repositories and organizations as well as GitLab CI/CD runs!

Read our docs on setting up a GitLab integration and more details on setting up GitLab CI/CD with CodSpeed.

We'll soon also start supporting self-hosted GitLab instances on the Enterprise plan, so if you have one and are interested in trying it out, please reach out to us by email or on Discord!

November 25, 2024
Launch Week #1

We're Going Dark

We're Going Dark

We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of our dark theme, designed to enhance your experience, especially during those late-night coding or benchmarking sessions!

Customize Default Branch For Analysis

Customize Default Branch For Analysis

It is now possible to specify the default base branch for analysis of a repository. It no longer has to be the default branch set on the repository provider.

Add this changelog

Add this changelog

This changelog will allow us to keep you updated with the latest features we implement! 🚀

Zoom in the benchmark history

It's now possible to zoom in on the benchmark history graph. Making it possible to dive precisely in the history.

Zoom Demo

New runs page

It is now possible to list all the runs of a repository independently from their branch using the new runs page: The runs page This page also come with individual run pages, allowing for example to dive into the runs made on push on a default branch: A specific run page

CodSpeed CLI Beta

We just released the beta of the CodSpeed CLI! 🥳

This CLI tool allows to make local runs, upload them to CodSpeed, and compare the results to a remote base run. All without having to push your code to a remote repository.

This will help you shorten the feedback loop on performance, you will not have to push your code and wait for the GH Action to complete to see the impact of your changes.

Trying it out

At the moment it only works on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 and Debian 11/12.

To get started, you can run the following commands:

# Install the codspeed cli
curl -fsSL https://github.com/CodSpeedHQ/runner/releases/download/v3.0.0/codspeed-runner-installer.sh | bash
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

# Authenticate the CLI with your CodSpeed account
codspeed auth login

# Inside a repository enabled on CodSpeed
# By default, the local run will be compared to the latest remote run of the default branch
# If you are checked out on a branch that has a pull request and a remote run on CodSpeed, the local run will be compared to the latest common ancestor commit of the default branch that has a remote run
codspeed run [BENCHMARK_COMMAND]

Include system calls in the flamegraphs

You can now see system calls in the flamegraphs by ticking the "Include system calls" checkbox.

We also now detect benchmarks mostly composed of system calls and display a flakyness warning.

Syscall Demo

Stop Guessing,
Start Measuring.

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