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Improvements of the Benchmark and Branch pages

We released several improvements to the benchmark dashboard and branch pages.

Benchmark history graph

The performance of the benchmark history graph has been greatly improved. This improvement will be largely noticeable in projects with large histories. The vertical axis is now updated when zooming in on the graph, making it easier to see localized changes.

See it in action handling more than 15k data points:

Analyzing the results of a benchmark from the oxc project

You can now copy a link to a specific benchmark from a Pull Request, a Run, or a custom comparison view. This link will take you directly to the benchmark within the report.

Here is an example:

Copying a benchmark URI from the swc project

Profiling data in the benchmark dashboard

On the benchmark dashboard, you can now see the benchmark flame graph, computed from the latest run on the default branch.

Stop Guessing,
Start Measuring.

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