Click on a commit to change the comparison range:heavy_plus_sign: Add xarray
N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python! :globe_with_meridians: Decode x and y coordinates from affine transform
Work out the list of x and y coordinates for the raster grid from the Affine transformation matrix. Requires changes being developed at :construction_worker: Disable CI builds on 32-bit Windows
Getting an error with compiling pandas 2.2.1 on Windows x86 (32-bit), and pandas has moved away from providing 32-bit Windows wheels, see, so might as well not build cog3pio wheels for 32-bit Windows since we can't test them properly. :bug: Add half pixel offset to get centrepoint of top left pixel
The affine transform from the GeoTIFF represents the top-left corner of the top-left pixel (gridline registration), but we need to convert that to the center of the top-left pixel (pixel registration) which is what xarray typically assumes. Added some more comments on how the xy_coords is calculated, and updated unit tests with new x/y min/max bounds. Commented out the mean value assertion for now as NaN handling is not implemented yet. :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branch 'main' into xarray_backend :pushpin: Pin to georust/geo at rev 481196b
Getter methods on AffineTransform implemented in has been merged into the main branch of georust/geo, so no longer need to point to my personal fork. Also fixed a mismatched type when accessing the x_res and y_res attributes. :busts_in_silhouette: Push out multi-dtype feature in roadmap to Q2
The multiple dtype feature is a little trickier than expected, so will push this out as a medium term goal for Q2 2024. Likely will depend on how the georust/geotiff crate's progress is like.