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Pinpoint performance regressions with CI-Integrated differential profiling

Pinpoint performance regressions with CI-Integrated differential profiling
Posted on October 23rd, 2023 by
Adrien Cacciaguerra avatar
Arthur Pastel avatar
Arthur Pastel

Flame Graphs are a visualization tool that helps you understand how your software is performing. They display the call stack of a program and the time spent in each function. They are a powerful tool to quickly identify performance bottlenecks.

Differential Flame Graphs combine two flame graphs to highlight the differences between them. They allow you to easily spot performance regressions and improvements and gain invaluable insights into your software's performance.

Below you can find an example of normal and differential flame graphs following a change in a codebase. At a glance, we can understand where the code has become slower. Here it is the parse_issue_fixed function as it has the brightest red color.

Execution profile
parse_pr (95.56%)
prepare_parsing_body (66.24%)
parse_body (62.54%)
parse_issue_fixed (44.42%)
log_metrics (10.68%)
send_event (5.24%)
log_metrics (10.55%)
send_event (5.17%)
parse_title (17.99%)
log_metrics (10.90%)
send_event (5.35%)
__create_fn__.<locals>.__init__ (0.80%)

Flame Graphs component taken from the CodSpeed app. It is fully interactive, don't hesitate to play with the buttons!

Let's explore how to read flame graphs and how CodSpeed automates flame graph generation in your CI pipeline.

Spotting a performance regression

Let's dive into the previous example.

We have a function parse_issue_fixed that parses a GitHub pull request body and extracts the issue number that it fixes. Given body = "fixes #123", the function returns 123. Here body can be a multiline string, and the issue number can be anywhere in the string.

We notice that the code is quite long and not easily understandable. We refactor it to use a regular expression instead. This gives us the following diff:

import re 

FIXES_REGEX = re.compile(r"fixes #(\d+)") 

def parse_issue_fixed(body: str) -> int | None:
    prefix = "fixes #"
    index = body.find(prefix) 
    if index == -1:
        return None

    end = start 
    while end < len(body) and body[end].isdigit():
        end += 1
    return int(body[start:end]) 
    match = FIXES_REGEX.search(body) 
    return int(match.group(1)) if match else None

Great, we have a much shorter and more readable function. But did we introduce a performance regression?

We already have a benchmark in place for the function parse_pr, a higher-level function that parses a GitHub pull request body and calls multiple functions to retrieve information, including parse_issue_fixed. The input is a multiline string of approximately 50kB. We chose a large input to better understand the performance characteristics of the function and make sure the function performs well when parsing large pull request bodies.

Let's check out the flame graphs for the benchmark to analyze the performance impact of our change. The Base flame graph is the one before the change, the Head flame graph is the one after the change, and finally, the Diff flame graph is the difference between the two.

Refactor with regular expression
CodSpeed Performance Gauge
1.2 ms
1.5 ms
Measured with CodSpeed
Execution profile
parse_pr (95.56%)
prepare_parsing_body (66.24%)
parse_body (62.54%)
parse_issue_fixed (44.42%)
log_metrics (10.68%)
send_event (5.24%)
log_metrics (10.55%)
send_event (5.17%)
parse_title (17.99%)
log_metrics (10.90%)
send_event (5.35%)
__create_fn__.<locals>.__init__ (0.80%)

Here we can see that the parse_issue_fixed function is bright red, thus denoting that it was slower after the change and had the biggest performance impact on the benchmark. When hovering over the parse_issue_fixed frame, we can see that the performance impact is a -21.5% regression on the overall benchmark.

So in our use case, using a regular expression will result in slower executions compared to using str.find.

So yes, our change for the sake of readability introduced a performance regression. We can now make an informed decision on whether we want to keep the change or not.

Now that we understand how a differential flame graph works and how useful it is, let's explore how to generate one.

Generating flame graphs manually is unreliable and time-consuming

The first thing to note is that manually generated flame graphs on a dev machine are not consistent.

Running the same script multiple times with the same input will result in different flame graphs. Indeed, other processes running on the machine will impact the execution time of the script and its different functions. This make it hard to spot performance regressions with confidence.

The second thing to note is that generating flame graphs manually is tedious.

The first tool to generate flame graphs is the eponym FlameGraph by Brendan Gregg written in Perl. Since then, many other tools have been created in and for other languages. The general steps are the same:

  • Run your script with a profiler and output the profile in a file
  • Run the tool on the profile to generate a flame graph svg
  • Open the generated svg in your browser and explore the data

This is already a quite heavy process: you have to create a script to isolate the part of your program you want to generate a flame graph for, then run a bunch of commands and finally open a file in your browser.

This is why we decided to automate the generation of flame graphs in your CI pipeline with CodSpeed, and find a way to make sure that the flame graphs are consistent.

Automating flame graphs with CodSpeed

Since we already had wrappers of benchmarking libraries in different languages, we decided to augment them with profiling capabilities.

Steps to follow to get flame graphs in your CI pipeline

Write benchmarks with one of our wrappers in Rust, Node.js, or Python.

For example, in Python, use our pytest extension pytest-codspeed (which API is compatible with pytest-benchmark) and add a test marked as a benchmark:

import pytest
from parse_pr import parse_pr

def test_parse_pr():
    parse_pr(body=very_long_body_string, pr_number=126, title="Refactor some code")

Run the benchmarks in the @codspeed/action GitHub Action:

- name: Run benchmarks
  uses: CodSpeedHQ/action@v3
    run: pytest tests/ --codspeed

The action will run the benchmarks on a "virtualized" CPU with Valgrind. Instead of measuring the execution time, it measures the number of CPU cycles and memory accesses. Each benchmark is only ran once and it is enough to get consistent data.

This data is then sent to CodSpeed's servers and flame graphs are generated. A comment is added to the GitHub Pull Request, with a link to the CodSpeed app, where you can browse the benchmarks and their flame graphs.

And voilà! You now have flame graphs in your CI pipeline, with the benefits of consistency and automation. Moreover, now that are using CodSpeed, performance regressions will automatically be detected and reported in your pull requests 🎉

Going further

Flame graphs are not only useful for spotting performance regressions but they can also be used to understand the performance impact of a change. Being an improvement or new calls to a function.

Execution profile
parse_pr (92.89%)
prepare_parsing_body (63.21%)
parse_body (57.32%)
parse_issue_fixed (25.49%)
log_metrics (19.64%)
send_event (8.01%)
parse_title (28.67%)
modify_title (6.49%) (new)
log_metrics (21.33%)
send_event (8.70%)
__create_fn__.<locals>.__init__ (1.32%)

A more complex flame graph with regressions, improvements, and added code

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