Click on a commit to change the comparison range:recycle: prepare for float NaN handling Merge pull request #23 from jvdd/nans_v4
:recycle: major refactoring :see_no_evil: enable correct target feature for u32 AVX2 :thinking: add simd f64 return nans + cleanup code :bulb: account for missing srai 64-bit instruction on SSE & AVX :recycle: further decoupling of traits :broom: revert prev commit :/ Merge pull request #25 from jvdd/varon-neon-nan-v3
:pie: update NEON SIMD :see_no_evil: resolve merge conflict :broom: improve variable names :sparkles: scalar ignore_nans + ignore_nans & inf tests :fire: test return nans + inf handling + minor bug fix :bug: minor bug fix + add tests :see_no_evil: remove avx512f target feature check in NEON tests :tada: use correct SCALAR implementation :recycle: move duplicate code to dedicated method :muscle: make return nan default implementation :pray: update benches b4 renaming :pray: update tests b4 renaming :see_no_evil: enable correct target feature for f64 SSE :broom: fix clippy warnings :pray: fix benches on ARM/Aarch64 :sparkles: add benches for nanargminmax :bug: minor bugfix in benches :broom: num_traits Float -> FloatCore Merge pull request #28 from jvdd/nans_change_default
:recycle: change nan default handling behavior to SkipNa