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2 months ago 8c19ae9 master


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2 months ago

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rgb to linsrgb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb to linsrgb
16.9 µs
rgb to hsl
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb to hsl
7 µs
rgb to hsv - wide f32x8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb to hsv - wide f32x8
3.1 µs
rgb to hsv
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb to hsv
6.5 µs
rgb to linsrgb - wide f32x8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb to linsrgb - wide f32x8
10.9 µs
hsv to hsl
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsv to hsl
6.8 µs
rgb to hsl - wide f32x8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb to hsl - wide f32x8
3.4 µs
lms to linsrgb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::lms to linsrgb
3.2 µs
hsl to linear hsl
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsl to linear hsl
24.5 µs
hwb to hsv
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hwb to hsv
6 µs
xyz to linsrgb - Matrix3
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::xyz to linsrgb - Matrix3
5.9 µs
hsv to hwb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsv to hwb
5.5 µs
hsl to rgb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsl to rgb
11 µs
linear hsv to hsv
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linear hsv to hsv
19.3 µs
lms to linsrgb - Matrix3
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::lms to linsrgb - Matrix3
2.2 µs
xyz to linsrgb - wide f32x8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::xyz to linsrgb - wide f32x8
1.9 µs
hsl to hsv
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsl to hsv
6.3 µs
linsrgb to rgb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linsrgb to rgb
16.3 µs
xyz to linsrgb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::xyz to linsrgb
6.1 µs
linsrgb to rgb - wide f32x8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linsrgb to rgb - wide f32x8
10.9 µs
hsv to rgb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsv to rgb
10.5 µs
Lch delta E via Lab
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_delta_e::Cie delta E::Lch delta E via Lab
570 µs
lch to lab
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::lch to lab
5.1 µs
hwb to linear hwb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hwb to linear hwb
24.4 µs
benchmarks/benches/matrix.rs::benches::matrix::Matrix functions::multiply_3x3
316.7 ns
lab to lch
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::lab to lch
11.2 µs
rgb_u8 to linsrgb_f32
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb_u8 to linsrgb_f32
1.9 µs
benchmarks/benches/matrix.rs::benches::matrix::Matrix functions::rgb_to_xyz_matrix
< 1 ns
linsrgb_f64 to rgb_u8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linsrgb_f64 to rgb_u8
5.2 µs
xyz to lab
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::xyz to lab
25.8 µs
linsrgb_f32 to rgb_u8
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linsrgb_f32 to rgb_u8
8.1 µs
linear hsl to hsl
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linear hsl to hsl
20.2 µs
hsv to linear hsv
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::hsv to linear hsv
23.6 µs
Lch CIEDE2000
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_delta_e::Cie delta E::Lch CIEDE2000
5.8 ms
linear hwb to hwb
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::linear hwb to hwb
20.1 µs
Lab delta E
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_delta_e::Cie delta E::Lab delta E
126.6 µs
linsrgb to xyz - wide f32x8
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::linsrgb to xyz - wide f32x8
1.9 µs
benchmarks/benches/matrix.rs::benches::matrix::Matrix functions::matrix_inverse
438.3 ns
linsrgb to xyz - Matrix3
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::linsrgb to xyz - Matrix3
5.9 µs
xyz to yxy
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::xyz to yxy
5.6 µs
Lab improved delta E
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_delta_e::Cie delta E::Lab improved delta E
593.5 µs
lab to xyz
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::lab to xyz
3.5 µs
rgb_u8 to linsrgb_f64
benchmarks/benches/rgb.rs::benches::rgb_conversion::Rgb family::rgb_u8 to linsrgb_f64
2.4 µs
Lab CIEDE2000
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_delta_e::Cie delta E::Lab CIEDE2000
5.7 ms
yxy to xyz
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::yxy to xyz
6.2 µs
Lch delta E
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_delta_e::Cie delta E::Lch delta E
570.2 µs
linsrgb to xyz
benchmarks/benches/cie.rs::benches::cie_conversion::Cie family::linsrgb to xyz
5.9 µs
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